
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Pralaya by Mallika Sarabhai

For readermuse blog
Nov 8th 2013

This is about men. It is about sons and fathers and brothers. And boy friends, and uncles. And male servants, who, of course are someone’s father, or brother or son. So it goes around in circles.

It is not about girls and daughters, grand mothers and aunts. It is not about maid servants. In fact it is not about the female sex at all.

Its about anger and worthlessness. It is about the way our society is. It is about power and entitlement. It is about feeling greater self worth in cruelty and destruction. It is about cowardice. It is about self loathing. It is about the break down of patriarchal systems and the rootlessness of life, about what they see and what they construe. It is about the break down of law and the complicity of the police and administration. It is about harrowed mothers putting their life’s dreams into their sons. And sons seeing their fathers beating their mothers.

This is about the break down of all that is decent and good. About the break down of compassion and humaneness, love and nurturance. This is about a race lost and dying inside, killing all in its death throes, destroying and crowing about it. Unheeded. Unchecked. Unpunished. Unrepentant.

This is about today. About all of us. Someone has to break the chain, stop the conveyor belt, step out of the circle. They won’t. We will have to. We must. Otherwise all there is to look forward to is PRALAYA

We @ Readers' Muse thanks Ms.Sarabhai for writing for us and taking time to reply.

Mallika Sarabhai is an activist and Indian classical dancer from Ahmedabad, (

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